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Insurance Blog

Please read and comment on our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.


Great Insurance Tips For First Time Home Buyers

Great Insurance Tips For First Time Home Buyers

Homeowners insurance is not required by law like automobile liability insurance. However, it is required by mortgage companies to protect the lender's investment. Even if you were able to pay cash for your home, homeowners insurance is an important protection for what is likely your biggest asset. The following are some tips about homeowners insurance for first time home buyers. Get Renters Insurance to Help...

Specialty Car of the Week - Ford Thunderbird

Specialty Car of the Week - Ford Thunderbird

This week's featured Specialty Car of the Week is a fantastic 1965 Ford Thunderbird Convertible. The car has been fully restored and is one of the most recognizable cars of it's time. We can insure your specialty car too, just give us a call today! To see more classic cars our agency has insured, check out the gallery on our Collector Car Insurance page....

How EPL Insurance Can Save Business Owners From A Legal Let-Down

How EPL Insurance Can Save Business Owners From A Legal Let-Down

We live in a litigious society. No matter how carefully you train your employees, over the course of doing business it wouldn't be rare to be facing a lawsuit for discrimination, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, violations of the APA, retaliation claims, a liability lawsuit related to fiduciary duty, or other legal threat. You want to be protected against this type of occurrence, and EPL insurance...

Are You Ready For The Next Step?

Are You Ready For The Next Step?

No one likes to think about what will happen when they are no longer around or able to make important decisions, but if you are a small business owner, then nothing could be more important for the future of your company. Succession planning is the practice of drawing up a plan for what will happen to your business if you pass away, retire, or become...

Why Every Contractor Needs Insurance Protection

Why Every Contractor Needs Insurance Protection

Contractors face many challenges even when a project is moving ahead as planned. General contractors have contractual obligations and the threat of a financial loss if a construction defect claim is filed. In order to guard against losses associated with injuries or other damages, contractors need the protection provided by a product liability insurance policy. We live in a litigious world, and there are law...