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Insurance Blog
Please read and comment on our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.
Top 25 cities for highest auto insurance rates.
Posted: September 18, 2014
Pittsburgh ranks as one of the states with the lowest insurance premiums. Check out the article below. TOP 25 CITIES FOR HIGHEST AUTO INSURANCE RATES. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2014/09/14/auto-insurance-costs-detroit/15622121/ Detroit isn't just the car manufacturing capital of the U.S. — it's also tops when it come to high car-insurance costs. The Motor City and its metropolitan area lay claim to the dubious distinction of having the most expensive...
Follow These Tips to Make Your Workplace Happier
Posted: September 17, 2014
Need a few tips to keep your employees happier over the next few months? We have gathered together a few simple tips that are designed to keep employees productive and happy at the work place. Here are a few tips to get you started: Give yourself and your employees permission to be happy. Make employees feel like they don’t have to act serious or try to be “professional"...
Infographic: Road Rage
Posted: September 15, 2014
Look to the skies and you’ve probably heard of a troubling pattern: “air rage," or airline passengers fighting over reclining seats. But down here on the road, tempers can flare just as quickly. Check out this infographic for some interesting facts on road rage. We’ve also got tips for how to keep your cool when road rage hits. Read the full story from Erie Insurance:...
Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix set for Schenley Park July 19th & 20th 2014.
Posted: July 8, 2014
Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix set for Schenley Park July 19th & 20th 2014. Schenley Park is the scene of our nation’s largest vintage race event. 150 vintage racers gather here each July to test their skills and entertain the crowd. The PVGP races through Schenley Park are considered by many drivers to be the most challenging race course worldwide. The 2.33 mile circuit has 23...
McElhinny Insurance Agency LLC is holding a Holiday Toy Drive
Posted: December 6, 2013
McElhinny Insurance Agency is holding a Holiday TOY DRIVE. Please bring all new toys to our office location by December 19th 2013. We will match the donations and take all toys & items to Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh. If you have any questions please contact our agency. THANK YOU and Happy Holidays from the McElhinny Insurance Agency LLC Toys can be dropped off at: 5624...